On the latest UPS operational requirements
Dear customer:
Then UPS notification, recently checking invoices, many express because invoice is not detailed and lead to return or goods. UPS reflects the following problems are more common, hope that the agents in strict accordance with the requirements of the invoice to. Invoice name, material and use thereof must note in detail, so as not to delay the shipment of exports. The following is the UPS for some goods requirement of invoice:
1 on the jewelry products invoice, now there are some changes, only need to specify the following points is a qualified invoices ( do not need to provide shape ):
1) what is the composition of jewelry manufacturing? Such as Plastic, Metal ( plastic, metal )?
2) is there any jewelry or semi-precious stones or artificial stones? Such as the semi-precious stones on Necklace ( semi-precious Necklace ).
3) a brief description of each line of the project? Such as Necklace, Earrings ( necklace, earrings ).
4) each item of the declared value? Such as USD$100 ( $100)
5) country of origin : such as the Made in China ( made in China ).
2 on the textile goods receipt required:
Textiles ( 1 ) shirt, pants, caps and so on ) - invoice information in detail
2) did not specify Woven or Knitted ( export license must be specified )
3) does not specify the " men's " or " women" or " child "
4) if the product is more than one component, must specify the composition ratio ( e.g. 70% cotton and 30% wool )
5) leather products, must specify what what leather manufacturing ( e.g PU Leather )
The 3 ship to Canada, India and the United States of America jewelry items, must be stated on the invoice ( e.g. what shape is square, circular ... )
4 UPS will not receive no insulation products and electronic watch.
5 shoes - invoice information in detail
For example, 1) no details manufacturing component ( what leather manufacturing )
2) does not specify the " men's " or " women" or " child "
3) if the delivery to the United States, more than $250 in value, must have " shoes certificate "
6 books and prints to specify what types of books and printing
Related to the above requirements, hope that the agents can be improved, so as not to cause the fastener or return. Once the cargo is being held, Division I to tell customers, will automatically change the invoice, the resulting all clearance or cost problems by the customers themselves. Please check it.
MYEX thank you for your support!